Embrace Social Business

Exploding social media icons from a phone

Millennials continue to enter the work force in increasing numbers. Their familiarity with social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc., is driving the demand for information at their fingertips. This is also the source of reference when they need to learn more about people, companies or events. It makes sense then that, if we adjust applications accordingly, this younger generation of workers can easily and comfortably function within the ERP environment with minimal training.

This gave SYSPRO a great opportunity to develop a module, Harmony (Social Business), which delivers information to users in a fun, effective and easy- to-use way, like the social platforms available in the market today.

I am sure that you must be wondering – How much fun can ERP information be?

It is so easy to be skeptical around this topic, but I strongly agree that it is possible and, I will go as far as to say, very necessary. The amount of ground breaking technologies available today are making it easy to embed and with the right team in place, the result is: information delivery in a fun, engaging way!

From capturing a beat, having text complete functionality and suggestive text, personalized messages informing the user of things they have missed and visualizing trending topics, there are so many great features that get me extremely excited to be part of the development of Harmony.

SYSPRO’s solution for social ERP, Harmony, is not just a link to these social platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc.), it is actually hardwired into the soul of SYSPRO.  Harmony is a secured module and maintained within SYSPRO, allowing the user to select a subject they would like to follow. The rules engine, gives the user even more choices in order for them to select specific information required.

A word of caution: while embracing the benefits, it is still important to have clear and informative policies and guidelines on how and when to use social ERP. This should assist in preventing abuse. It can easily be an interference and distraction just like in a non-work setting if no guidelines are set and enforced.

As we continue to invest in our product, we believe that receiving notifications about subjects of interest will facilitate collaboration and communication amongst employees. This can improve a company’s agility and simplify competitive advantage by having the power of the back office and the front office working in harmony.


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